It had lots of big eggs (that are fun to roll) and candy and an Easter Thomas the Tank Engine train, a brand new ISU t-shirt (with the vintage Cy on the front) and finally a book about animals!

See how fun it is to roll these big eggs across the floor! I thought they were really neat. Plus they make lots of noise when I shake them because they have toys in them (little farm animals).
One of my new favorite activities is to toss or roll anything across the floor and then chase after it. Once I grab it I toss it again and move it further out.

I am also working on trying to stand up - I'm not very good at it without something to grab but I try in the middle of the floor anyway. I need a new challenge since I mastered pulling myself up on everything in the house (stationary or mobile).

So, just before mom and dad changed me into my new shirt and tie for Easter service I snuck back the basket and found the wrapped CHOCOLATE! Yummy! Foil and chocolate!
Luckily mom found the foil but she made me wait for the chocolate until lunch time. More on that subject later.
Mom & Dad got me ready for church and we went in early so mom could set out all of the communion trays and other things. Would you believe there was snow on the ground when we left the house - it snowed last night.

Easter service was really pretty -- there were lots of people and I flirted with the cute little one-year old in front of us. I did pretty good but daddy did have take me to the back during communion. I just needed some room to stand. Again, I flirted with another little girl (this time a 6 month old) whose dad knows my parents through work.
In this picture I am "patiently" waiting for mom to finish refilling the communion trays for second service. I found the Easter lillies very intriguing. I also liked pulling myself up on the kneeler off to the side.
I don't know what mom was thinking when she volunteered to serve on the Altar & Chancel Guild during March -- must be because Easter was very early every this year and she didn't check her calendar

That's OK -- she says it was a very beautiful time of the church year to help out.
See how pretty the front of church looks!

As promised after church and my morning nap and lunch I was able to taste my very first chocolate candy!
It was a cute little lamb and it tasted VERY good!

See -- finger licking good!

After lunch we did something really fun! I guess most people color eggs before Easter but my mom has been really busy getting ready for something called a State Science Fair that will be coming up next weekend. She receives a lot of phone calls and e-mails from teachers and other people all the month of March. We could have done it yesterday but we went shopping in Des Moines so mom could get an Easter dress and a new outfit for the science fair.
So we colored our eggs on Easter Sunday but it was still very interesting.

Here I'm helping daddy put the egg in the colored water. I liked looking into the cups at the colors.

Here are all of our colored eggs -- aren't they pretty?
For some reason our dye packs had two blues and no purple but that's OK because I liked the blue ones best anyway!

That's what the Spencer Family did for Easter today! It was great to spend a day with mom and dad -- visit friends at church, play and eat and sleep! What a nice first Easter!
(Clark wanted to write this one from his perspective today!)
We hope everyone had a very Happy Easter! Allelulia! Christ is Risen!