The first time he also shared with Perdy. Yes, Perdy thought picking up after a 20 month old was pretty fun especially when handed the cereal by the fistfull. Perdy was visiting when grandpa came down to babysit for an afternoon. I had to go to Des Moines to present a grant proposal (which we did receive -- hurray!). Grandpa and Clark had a good day watching Thomas the Tank Engine before nap and Toy Story after nap. Clark will also corner you to read one of his Toy Story books any chance he gets!
We have also spent a lot of time outside this week (at least a lot in comparison to the rest of the winter). The snow is all gone now except for a few piles. But that was not the case earlier in the week. Clark enjoyed walking carefully across the ice and jumping in puddles.
He also enjoyed helping me let the chickens out for the first time. The chickens were very happy! Clark also enjoyed feeding them corn outside. He would pick it up walk over to a nearby chicken and toss some corn in front of her to see what would happen. He should be a good little helper come spring and summer when it comes to outdoor chores.