Clark was excited to watch the superbowl with us this year. He was allowed to eat watching the TV -- that was super cool for our little man. We had cheese and sausage, popcorn, pears and milk.

Of course, later he was treated to the last of his dad's root beer bottle - yummy!

Clark helped his dad put on those 3D glasses for watching the special commercials.

Clark had a pair of his own too! Of course he wasn't able to stay up for the whole game. Half time came right at bath time so that was good timing. All said it was a very good game to watch.

Then the other day Clark was helping us in the basement and he found some of my old mardi gras beads that I had gotten at the International Science Fair. Alan showed him how to put them on and for the rest of the evening he played with the beads (on and off, on and off). Seems fitting since we are approaching that time of year. Mardi gras just came a little early at our house I guess.