In mid-October I loaded up the boys and we began our 10 hour trip to Indianapolis, Indiana for the National FFA Convention. Alan left after us with the State Officers. Somehow I did stay ahead of him for most of the trip until we stopped for that last feeding and a search for a car wash.
Above is Grant waiting to put on his jacket for a photo session with his Aunt Em.
National Convention was great fun -- we met up with my sister Emily who was speaking on behalf of the World Food Prize and we had lots of great sight seeing experiences. We traveled to the Indianapolis Zoo, a pick your own pumpkin and apple orchard, multiple parks, the Indianapolis Children's museum and the National FFA Career show (filled with lots of fun tractors). During our visit we even met Mike Rowe (from Dirty Jobs). He was one of the big speakers for the Convention. Alan happened to see him walking in downtown while we were finishing supper and he was nice enough to stop and talk to us briefly. He really is a great guy!
Tuttle's Orchard:
That is one big squash! Not to mention the pumpkin tower behind Clark.
Clark hauled the wagon to go pick apples. We ate apples all week from our excursion.
There was no way I could keep Clark from eating an apple out in the orchard so he chose one from off the ground.
This is Grant's hand touching the apple leaves while mommy picked. He thought it was great fun! (He was in the front carrier which is why I could only capture an arm).
Grant enjoying some swing time at the orchard's playground.
Clark liked the tractor in the orchard playground but he preferred trying to "fix" the tractor.Indianapolis Zoo:
Feeding ducks at the pond while we ate. Did not get a whole lot of photos at the zoo this year. Indianapolis Children's Museum:

Wow -- what timing the Star Wars exhibit was at the Children's museum. Grant had no problem posing for a photo with daddy but Clark just wanted to go, go, go.
Clark LOVED the dinosaur exhibit! He spent a lot of time not just with the play dinosaurs here but looking at all of the dinosaur exhibits.
A trip to the museum isn't complete without playing with the "glass" sculptures! Also lots of time in the train exhibit but the camera was with daddy and Grant during that time.
After a week of fun and too many nights sharing the same room for sleeping we hit the road back to Iowa. When we reached Ankeny Clark said, "Go to hotel room now mommy!"

Grant catching some zzz's. No he did not sleep on the bed he had his pack n play. However, while I was busy with Clark and before I had a chance to move him he fell asleep surrounded by comfy pillows. He was just too cute!
Clark enjoying a supper of chicken and fries while watching Curious George after a long day of exploring!
Clark and Grant hanging out in the hotel room in their monster PJ's.