Clark's 1st Birthday was May 16th, 2008. Since we were in Atlanta at that time for the International Science Fair we celebrated at home with friends and family on Sunday, May 25th.
Clark's party had a farm theme. The first picture shows his farm cake complete with a big red barn, haystacks and lots of piped animals!
The white cake turned out much better than the chocolate cake this year not sure why exactly but it was all good and we had a good time with everyone who came to help us celebrate.
Clark, however; wasn't feeling very good -- between a cold that probably had the beginning of his ear infection that we saw the doctor for later that week and the MMR shot kicking in with an actual little rash he did pretty good throughout the day -- so he took a nap pretty much right after we sang Happy Birthday.

He received many great gifts and we thank everyone who brought or sent him something. He really didn't get the concept of ripping open paper yet but I would bet by Christmas that will be different! He did however enjoy all the goodies that he opened. The books he received (especially the F is for Farm Book) are read over and over at nap and bed times. He also received some bathtub toys that have been a huge hit. Along with loving bubbles from his bubble machine (he and the cat are both very intrigued by the bubbles), his Winnie the Pooh airplane that he loves to push around the house and his new wooden train -- all have become big hits.
We have some new outfits, too! The UV swim shirt and shorts are

Clark's new puppy Indy even helped out with the unwrapping of presents. This is a picture of Indy pulling away a sheet of wrapping paper. Indy is a black Cocker Spaniel and he is full of energy! I think Jack the cat is still Clark's favorite for now (they do have a lot of history) but he also enjoys having dad run around the back yard holding him with Indy chasing after.
As Clark becomes more adept at running himself I believe he and the puppy will be able to run off some steam together -- I also believe they are both looking forward to that day!
Finally, for supper that night Clark ate a small scoop of ice cream. His face says it all -- he is definitely a fan!

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