Clark had a great time at National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. These pictures are from his visit to the Career Show. While at convention he also went to a delegate session (he has his own Delegate button) and attended some of the delegate dinners. No matter where he went in his FFA Jacket and official dress cameras were flashing. I have no idea how many members and teachers asked to take his picture.

Above Clark and Alan had their picture taken in front of the Oscar Meyer weiner mobile with Kool Aid Man and the Kraft Cheese Dinosaur.

Clark is "driving" one of the lawn mowers on display.

Here Alan and Clark are in the cab of a brand new tractor. Clark threw a small fit when we made him get out of the cab. He probably could have spent the entire day up there playing with buttons if we had let him.

Clark in between the duals. He spent a lot of time playing with the big tires and with a new baler attached behind (including finding the grease). We probably spent more than 30 minutes playing here and he had many, many requests to have his picture taken -- including one of the dealers working the show.
Clark seemed to have a lot of fun and was a very good and patient boy. The highlight for Alan was seeing Clark's picture with the National FFA Officer team during the last session in the National FFA Officer highlight video.
During the week Clark and I went out and about and explored the area -- more on that in another blog.
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