We've been busy this week. Such a beautiful week to be outside! We finished the boys' sandbox (except for the cover -- outdoor fabric was ordered tonight), picked lots of berries and had messy mayhem.

Monday night we worked on staking the tomatoes in the garden with the Clarks. We have lots of zuchini, a few beans, some cucumbers and a very few grape tomatoes right now. The sweet corn is pollinating, the pumpkin vines are EVERYWHERE, we have a few muskmelon (little babies) on vines, and I am growing a monster zuchini to enter in the largest zuchini competition at the Iowa State Fair. I am sure I will lose since I didn't dedicate one vine to the cause but it should prove fun anyway.
Last night was date night and we had Betsy babysit again. She does very well with both boys. However (not her fault by any means) this morning Clark woke up and his room smelled funny. Yes, he had gotten out of bed last night and found his Destin (diaper rash cream). He now is very adept at opening lids of any type and he squeezed it all over his bedding, blankets and teddy. Normally not a big deal to mess up the bedding and teddy however, Destin has a special chemical formula that makes it STICK to everything and it is greasy as all get out! Luckily our washing machine on the heavy duty setting and extra rinse cycle got most of it out -- then Alan found some hints on the internet and I did another shot in the washer with vinegar added in. All is well -- teddy is back in bed tonight. Today we ran to Lowes to buy shelving for his closet -- he was very excited by that prospect. This way we can put some things up higher out of his reach and secure them better. Our son has a thing with lotions. When I asked him why he decided he needed to have his cream out last night he told me and showed me to put on his cheeks -- his way of saying putting on lotion for chapped cheeks and hands like mommy and daddy. I explained this particular lotion was only for the bottom. Oh well -- just another normal day!