Yesterday started out like most normal days -- I was feeding Grant his 6 AM feeding getting ready to snooze and listen to the news in the background when he was done; when Clark decided to make an early morning appearance. This did not bode well. He opened the door and said "mommy" and I assumed he went to playing in his room as usual before joining us in the living room.
After Grant was done I found the silence rather disturbing so went back to Clark's room. No Clark. I heard him not too far away. He was playing in our bedroom across the hall. How much trouble could that be? Well, I smelled it the moment I stepped in the room -- Clark had found my perfume bottles and was testing each one. He smelled like a perfumery. As irritating as it was it was also rather cute to see him sniffing each bottle. Luckily he didn't figure out how to dump any out just spray them. It was a good thing it was a nice day so I could leave the window open to air the place out.
Since we were all up so early we got dressed and headed out on an adventure. There was a garage sale we wanted to check out and then it was off to the greenhouse for popcorn, geraniums and some new pepper plants. Luckily these activities were outdoors so the breeze could blow off some of the perfume from Clark. That or people just thought I didn't know how to monitor the amount of perfume I use.
Upon returning home I returned to deep cleaning the house. While vacuuming which Clark finds fascinating he somehow brought the big mirror by the front door down on himself and scared himself senseless.
After lunch a return to cleaning -- however, opening the trunk of baby toys, lincoln logs and other items I didn't want Clark into anymore (which I had forgotten) proved to be the same as opening a treasure chest. The clean floor shortly became clean no longer. I finally convinced him to help me clean the toys up if we played "ball" on our new Wii Fit. For some reason Clark finds it extremely funny to watch mom bounce virtual soccer balls with her Mii. He roars with laughter while warning me about incoming shoes flying my way.
So finally during the quiet that is naptime I realize that Alan has a meeting that night and I have both boys the entire day and evening! This is also the time Grant decides he wants some awake time. Hard to refuse the cute baby -- see his tummy time photo below. However, this meant no nap time for mom today.

To get Clark outside after nap we went out and planted the geraniums and petunias. Clark helped by bringing me water in his watering can. We also filled his pool so he could play in the water. He thought the best part was using the hose to fill the pool.

He also wanted in on the digging and found a nice spot to use his tools. He was a big help with the planting and watering of the flowers.

Luckily Clark went to bed early and went down without a fuss. A nice end to a long and hectic day!