Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall Weekend

This weekend we spent some family time outside. Saturday we packed a lunch and went to a park. Clark went down the slide (a number of times) and then tried out some classics -- the horse swings, teeter totter, and sand box digger. He really enjoyed using the levers on the digger and picking up and dumping out sand.

After lunch and play we went to the DeMoss Family Pumpkin Farm in Gilbert. Clark had to thump some of their pumpkins too, he helped pick out some nice mini pumpkins and gourds to use in decorations around the house. While there he also had fun looking at the tractor and visiting the animals including: sheep, chickens and pigs (really liked the pigs).

This week has been great when it comes to food preparation. Mom and dad gave me a stand for Clark for my birthday -- it works great! Clark asks to get up now to help us when we're at the counter and it saves on a lot of tears that I used to get when I worked at the counter and he couldn't see. Sunday I made a tomato/cucumber salad -- as you can see Clark was eating tomatoes about as fast as I was cutting them up to put in the bowl. He has also helped dad wash some dishes at the sink.

Sunday afternoon Cortney was able to come out and babysit so Alan and I could finally go see the new Batman movie. The movie was great! However, Cortney was so excited to play with Clark and then he took a three hour nap -- so not a lot of play time.

Monday and today Clark and I started a major sorting/cleaning project. We are going through all of his clothes and sorting them by size to store them better and have a better idea of what we have for the next little Spencer. Clark likes to help throw the clothes in the new storage bags and resort the piles!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Visiting the Amanas

Today we all traveled to Iowa City to visit the hospital (the only good reason to visit Iowa City for a family of die hard Cyclones). We met Clark's Aunt Dee there and they went to play while Alan and I went to our 7 week ultrasound appointment. There was one little sac with one tiny little life -- there was a very strong heart beat and seeing the little flutters brought smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes. We are now released from Iowa City's care and can start visits to our Ob/Gyn here in Ames.

As a treat to celebrate we went over to the Amana Colonies and ate lunch with Aunt Dee. Later we walked around. A visit is never complete without a stop at the chocolate store. Clark's treat was a chocolate cat on a stick. He liked it very much - however, he is squinting in all the photos we took due to the sun (so it looks like he doesn't enjoy it). We also visited the Christmas shop -- Clark liked all the lights and shimmering ornaments. Hard to believe that time of year is not far off. Finally we stopped at the toy store -- we found a cow puppet that Clark really enjoyed.

Yesterday when we were outside Clark found a little frog sitting in our grass. It was so tiny it can sit on a single blade.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Drummer Boy

Today was my birthday so I decided Clark and I would do some fun things together. We took our time this morning and then went to town. Ironically my favorite spots to shop are also Clark's. We went to Earl May to check out tulip bulbs and plants for me and to look at fish and bunnies for Clark. He was so excited when we got out of the car. When we went inside he ran over to the fish display giggling all the way. We then picked up lunch and ate in Bandshell Park. Clark could watch all the equipment at the power plant from the park bench and see the trains go by through downtown. After playing on the playground equipment we headed to Holub's (a local nursery) and looked at all the mum's.

Dad took us out for supper when he got home. After supper he and Clark set up the "drums" by the garage. Quite a lot of pounding going on.

Today is also Day 7 in our pumpkin watch -- one week and it is starting to turn orange. However, the vines are starting to die back pretty fast -- hopefully it will manage to turn before the vines are done!


(This was actually supposed to be blogged yesterday, but, between an SSTFI Board meeting and Bell Choir rehearsal I didn't get it done).

On Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa Clark came down for a visit with us and Carl's family. Along came a much loved favorite -- Grandma's chocolate birthday cake. Last night we were still working on some left overs. Clark loves chocolate cake -- I believe the pictures describe that sentiment better than I could describe:

On another note we did some toad watching yesterday. Clark likes to bend over and peer in the window wells to check for toads. Yesterday we counted 10 toads in our one window well. All the way from babies to big papas/mamas. I picked up a big one to have Clark touch -- he laughed when it urinated all over my hands -- typical toad response. Not really sure why we have such a very large toad population -- they have tunnels everywhere and this year a group took up residence in a third window well. I would really like to clean up our window wells and put some nice rock in over the bare soil but I have a soft spot for our friendly toads (who hunt crickets).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Apple Festivals & Pork Suppers

Today was definately a day spent enjoying the beautiful Iowa Fall weather (granted Fall doesn't officially begin until Monday). This morning mom had to go into church to help set up for communion, since September is her month to serve on Altar/Chancel Guild. Meanwhile, back at home, dad and Clark started working on our porch. We have a new door to put in but of course once starting a remodeling project you realize that you should fix it right. So, we measured for drywall and tile and will work on this project over the next few weeks. Clark had a great time rummaging through dad's toolbox and "helping."
After lunch we headed out to the ISU Horticulture Research Farm where the ISU Hort Club was selling apples and cider and giving various demonstrations. We took the farm tour and Clark had fun riding on the wagon and looking at all the different trees and plants. There was another girl about his age sitting across from him and they kept each other entertained. After taste testing some apples we headed home for a nap.

After nap we went into Gilbert to the 35th Annual Gilbert Lutheran Church Pork Feed. So much food! We are still not sure where Clark manages to put everything he eats. He really enjoyed the baked beans and the pork. He even tried some coleslaw.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ridin' the Slide

Today was a pretty typical day. We played outside a lot and checked on all our veggies and animals. Dad came home early this afternoon since he had to pick up the milk samples from ISU for the Dairy Foods CDE tomorrow. Since he is staying home and not traveling to NE Iowa we had to go to town and meet the State Advisor to transfer the milk samples. Meanwhile we took Clark to Inis Grove Park. Clark loves slides and today was the first day he went down the slide all on his own. He knows how to sit and push off to make himself slide. He even tried the twisty slide all on his own and went down that one a number of times. The slide set also has a large fish that can be crawled on and he enjoyed trying that out too! Then we went to Pizza Ranch (with Woody), Clark's favorite restaurant -- he enjoyed pointing out all of the cowboys and horses and ate and ate and ate.
On our way home we stopped at the bookstore and picked up a few books. We found a new Biscuit book for Clark. (If you don't know Biscuit is a dog.) Honestly this past week I have probably read Biscuit Goes to the Pumpkin Patch at least 20 times.
Train Crossing Update: The barricades are down and the train crossing is finished! It's really nice -- all paved and smooth. Bad part is the traffic is back. It was nice and quiet for a few days with no cars going by.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pumpkin Watch Day 1

Clark truly loves the outdoors (honestly, if I let him he would spend all day outside). When he goes out he has to check all the tomato plants and I have to convince him we need to wait until they are red. Today, hooray, there was a red one that we ate for supper. Then we go check the pumpkins. We have two big ones and 3-4 smaller ones. The one large pumpkin is already orange but the other just reached full size. So, we are going to keep watch to see how many days it takes to turn orange (and if it can do it before the vines die).

Here is the green pumpkin in our pumpkin watch:

We also visit the apple tree on a daily basis as I have mentioned. Today we harvested a bunch to make into something this weekend.
Today Clark had to take out his new Woody figure. He really has a thing for Toy Story and loves to have Woody with him.

The goose also for some unknown reason follows us everywhere! He will get within a foot of me or Clark and just stand there. He has also taken to sleeping on our front steps. I think the poor guy is lonely. Springtime we might have to see what we can do about finding him a companion.

We also have a train crossing update. This afternoon they were working on the asphalt (smelled like tar all afternoon). Still have some more work to do but it is getting closer all the time. It should be a great crossing once they are done.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Train Crossing Part II

Today the railroad crew came and took out the old track and laid the new. As of right now the barricades are still up since they need to finish the road surface but all has been cleared for trains to travel on once again. The following is the series of pictures taken as I had time and my hands free.

1. Taking out the old track.
2. Moving the old track around to put on the back of a flat car behind the crane.
3. Getting rid of the old track--three sections total were taken out.
4. Laying in the new track -- all one large section.
5. They cheered when it was finally dropped into place, then they went to work by hand securing it in place.
6. Dumping the gravel/rock car. After this they spent a lot of time and two additional pieces of equipment making sure that it was graded just right.

Clark thought this all was great fun and enjoyed watching both outside and inside. Anytime a noise sounded interesting (like dumping the rock) there were little footsteps running to the window or the door to see what was happening.

In other news -- just because I find this funny -- Clark has taken to helping mommy pick tomatoes. He looks through the plants to find some and points them out. Unfortunately we are out of red tomatoes. However, Clark likes to pick the green grape tomatoes and he tries to eat them (in fact he ate one today). I have come to believe he actually thinks these are grapes just for some reason they don't taste anything like the green grapes in the fridge!

1. On the hunt for tomatoes:
2. These just don't taste right!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Train Crossing

This morning we went out to see what was up. They will be re-doing the train crossing this week -- so Clark should have plenty to watch! Today they used the crane to move some track around. In the afternoon during nap time they came and knocked out all of the track and ties on the crossing. Dad will have to come around the long way to get home.

Clark has found many great activities outdoors. He checks on the baby ducks, the goose, Indy our dog and the cats as part of his "daily chores." We even bought chore boots yesterday to wear next time it rains. Other parts of his routine include thumping the pumpkin (ever since the young man bagging our groceries at Fareway showed Clark how to thump a watermelon any melon type fruit/vegetable is fair game for thumping).

Playing with sticks -- of which there are plenty around.
And of course no trip outside is ever complete without a trip to the apple trees. We eat at least 1 - 2 apples a day. We need to pick a bunch and make some applesauce or some yummy apple crisp. Clark likes to eat his apples while dancing on the picnic table (no worries he is always under close supervision).

Friday, September 12, 2008

Big Brother Clark

Hello All!

Although we don't want to get too excited just yet -- today our pregnancy test came back positive! There is still a lot that could go poorly in the next few weeks so we are rather cautious yet BUT we have gotten through to a positive pregnancy test and that is the first step toward Clark becoming a new big brother! And unless something goes awry (or we have twins) the due date will probably be right around Clark's May birthday.